Sunday 12 October 2014


Dedicated to: All introverts

Lets go!
No...I think I'm okay this way
Aren't you bored?
No I'm not
I'm an introvert.

Our lifestyle seems boring to so many people. We love being alone and reminiscing, focusing on our own feelings, minds and affairs.

Deep thoughts keep creeping its way in and then we have lots of secret just because we have few friends around.

Sitting, eating, talking, playing, reading, singing alone has been our hobby ever since, even though it's never other people's kind of life.

We are reserved and would spend our time on a single activity rather than multitasking. We prefer being ourselves to social situations.

You would never see us come out to the dancing floor in a party and dance like others would do. We go deep thinking.

Yes! we are shy, but not always. We seem coded and some people think we are complicated, not until they have close intact with us.

When other friends keep playing around and catching fun, you won't find us there and even if some of us get to play along with them, we pull out when its getting too long.

Everyone is gone out to see one friend or the other, but we are still in the room, thinking of things that don't have topic or doing what we like doing when alone. We have just few close ones around that we tend to play so much as we can with and even feel free with them till they tell us we are stubborn.

Parents atimes misunderstand us and tend to flare up. But instead of explaining better, we have tears mixed up with our words and they flow uncontrollably all because we want to defend ourselves. How painful!

We are emotional and feel very bad when we get hurt. Only few of us learned how to control our feelings. So many things other people call fun are boring to us.

Even when we have a gorgeous look on us, we don't usually feel we are. We just stay stationed and watch other people move freely.

Some of us feel 'beautiful,' while some feel 'ugly.' We easily swing moods. We can decide to talk and play today, and in the next few minutes or hours, we are back to the cool headed style.

Not everyone of us is gentle- the truth is, 'most of us are gentle, while some of us are quiet'.

So many of us don't feel loved, and in that case, we go into reckless relationships- masturbate when alone, do cruel things and even hate ourselves.

Introverts are humans, extroverts should please love them no matter their level of being an introvert.

Many of us are that way because we aren't exposed to so many things, some because of challenges or depression and others are just that way, its their lifestyle.

To introverts: your life would be a complete mess to all and yourself if you do not have Jesus. I have Jesus and I have lots of specialities in me. So how on earth would I hate myself?

If you engage yourself in so many things, you won't feel it, even when you are alone. You can be a blessing to all even while being a reserved type. While writing this, I've been alone for over two hours and I'm safe even with writing. You are alone doesn't permit you to do bad things- have sex with your heart, think lustfully and the likes.

You want love? Jesus truly loves you, and when you have him, you won't feel rejected, being shy would get out of your dictionary.

Remember! You are special. Therefore there are treasures in you no one has. I love you all.

By: Oluwatosin Faith Kolawole

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