Thursday 16 October 2014


Our subconscious
A reservoir
Filled with impending memoir
Of abysmal tortures;

In a wink
It sprouts in a slink state
Giving room for the covered foolishness innate
To, our name, drag in the mud- those stink;

The hows and whys
Never once known
Our every move calculated like a raging cyclone
Dragged in the mire, we opt for cries;

In pains, candles at nights burn
Deep knowledge we crave
Into books we dug, our all, gave
Naive we were, that life is in turn;

Out of the cocoon
We run around like hawkers
Behind every gorilla, stealthily like stalkers
Our oblivion, widely spread with rune;

Tortured in the womb
Tortured at birth
Tortured all through as we journey on earth
Beyond, we’re tortured by crawlies beneath the tomb.

© Mondayspeaks

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