Sunday 31 August 2014

Nasty things Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said about Anita

The Big news today was the suit filed in London by Rev. Anita Oyakhilome, seeking divorce from her husband, Chris Oyakhilome, over alleged adultery and ‘unreasonable behaviour’.

“The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors The story of the divorce had been an open secret since early this year, when people began to see less and less of Anita and Chris together, especially at functions where they were supposed to appear as a couple. The first indication of disharmony was the decision of Pastor Chris to relocate to South Africa while the wife, managed the Christ Embassy churches in London. She is also in-charge of her own chapter, Christ Embassy Docklands on North Woolwich, London and she is the co-Director of LoveWorld Christian Network.

This was in January. But by May, the story returned to the front pages.

Church members, including Pastor Chris denied the marital schism and at a stage Pastor Chris had to dash to London to knock his flock back in line, because of fears that they were siding with his estranged wife, who was running the church business in the UK.

Now that it has now been confirmed that Anita had indeed filed divorce papers since April, we share some of the nasty things Chris had said about Anita, most of it when he addressed pastors and deacons of his church at the Bermondsey branch of the church on 16 May.

"Bitterness is prolonged and accumulated anger. My wife is always angry and bitter."

"Some pastors’ wives think when they marry a pastor, they are equal to the pastor. My wife thinks so. As a matter of fact, Rev. Tom was her pastor before I married her and Rev. Ray and Evang. Owase were her leaders long before I married her. How come she thinks she’s senior to them now?"

"I already started Christ Embassy before I married her. I didn’t marry her and said we should start Christ
Embassy. I was already pastoring."

"I already set my sail and knew my direction before I married her. I only said, ‘come and help me.’"

“Be careful of the friends you keep. My wife keeps friends who bring out the worst in her and help her see the worst in people, instead of keeping friends that will help her vision, especially as the wife of a global pastor like me.”

The couple’s marriage, two decades ago, produced two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn. Oyakhilome  is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc., the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his estranged wife is the vice-president.

Culled from TheNewsNigeria

Poem: Spynets

My pen, in-between my fingers, has begun to dance,
Unexplained lags in my mind like it's been in a trance;

The dance must continue without leaving a lacuna,
And in the end of it all, I'll sing like PUMBA and TIMONE, akuna-matata;

Bigots slowly taking over the sacred inn,
The synagogue of Yahweh, we were taught to be a sacred bin;

We come as we are with great hopes for divine transformation,
But the blind leads the blind, from nowhere will come the reformation;

Tentacles spread to every nook and cranny like cobwebs,
Even the closest person to you is a part of these Spynets;

You can be arrested for talking and saying the wrong thing,
But never can that be when you hold your piece and spill not a thing;

You leave a lacuna of ginormous magnitude,
Yet, in gruesome guffaw, they treat you with a patronising attitude;

Our holy hands now weapons of mass destruction,
The Holy Book now painted black and unprofitable for instruction;

Our lives as believers used to be a mirror,
But now, that mirror has turned into a canon of horror;

Yahweh! O Yahweh!!
Calleth I out,
Descend now from above
Crieth I and spout!

By Akhimien Monday

Ebola: Experimental drug cures laboratory monkeys

The experimental Ebola drug ZMapp cured all 18 of the laboratory monkeys infected with the deadly virus, including those suffering the fever and hemorrhaging characteristic of the disease and just hours from death, scientists said on Friday.

Even monkeys not treated until five days after infection survived. No other experimental Ebola therapy has ever shown success in primates when given that long after infection; the five days is analogous to nine to 11 days after
infection in people.

Although two American aid workers who contracted Ebola in Liberia were cured after receiving ZMapp, their physicians do not know if the drug helped.

A Liberian doctor with the disease died this week despite being given the drug, as did a Spanish priest, Reuters reports.

ZMapp, produced by San Diego-based Mapp Biopharmaceutical, has never been scientifically tested in people, and the current study was the first in primates.

The success is therefore a “monumental achievement,” virologist Thomas Geisbert of the University of Texas Medical Branch wrote in a commentary on the paper, published online in Nature.

There are no approved Ebola vaccines or treatments, but human safety trials will begin next week on a vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline Plc and this autumn on one from NewLink Genetics Corp.

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has killed 1,552 people out of 3,069
confirmed cases, the World Health Organization said, and is on pace to infect 20,000. Neither governments nor private medical groups have been able to contain the outbreak, which WHO said will almost certainly continue into 2015. ZMapp is a mix of three antibodies that bind to proteins on Ebola viruses and trigger the immune system to destroy them. Mapp had previously developed two different cocktails of antibodies, but they protected only 43 percent of monkeys when given as late as five days after infection.


Saturday 30 August 2014

Ukraine plane crashes in Sahara- 7 dead

A Ukrainian cargo plane crashed in the Sahara desert early on Saturday, killing all seven people on board, Algeria’s transport  ministry said.

The Antonov 12, which had come from Glasgow in Scotland and was bound for Equatorial Guinea, came down near Tamanrasset airport at around 2:40 am (01:40 GMT), a ministry statement said.

“Unfortunately, rescue teams did not find any survivors at the scene of the crash,” the statement added.

The aircraft had been transporting petroleum industry equipment. It had made a stopover for unspecified technical reasons at Tamanrasset, an Algerian city deep in the Sahara 2,000 kilometres (1,240 miles) south of Algiers.

Previously, it had made another technical stop at Ghardaia, 600 kilometres south of the capital.

Rescuers found debris from the aircraft in a mountainous area, local officials said.

An inquiry into the crash has begun, Transport Minister Amar Ghoul said.

Poem: The Greatest Lead

Take me by the hand
Lead me through the land
My heart in humble adoration
Crave for your direction;

Take over the thoughts of my mind
Set it high above every blind
My heart in every genuineness
Seeks to overcome every of its weakness(es);

Take charge of  my stomach
Fill it with victuals on your track
My throat craves only for traffic
That will in me leave not manic;

Set guard on my loin
Keep it from cravings that from hades coin
My emotions, on fire, set I
Yet, I wait for that belle, who to me, will say aye!

Set on my eyes your pure veil
Keep it from sights, that in hades, souls nail
With yearnings so strong it fights to see
Contours and charms that break your creed;

Set on my tongues your strong tame
Order the vocals, which souls, can maim
In a glibly vitriolic vociferous vocal
It is poised to explode with lethal;

Lead me on the path that life breeds
Keep me from the ride that soul bleeds
Straighten me with the rod of correction
Till heavens gate I cross with great jubilation.

By Akhimien Monday

Seventy times Seven: Jesus was Joking!

"You do not know how sore it feels until you fall a victim."
                              - Yoruba adage

"... I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."
                        - Matthew 18:22, KJV

Just like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, Christians today are working very hard to cause Christ more pains. It is particularly saddening that those who are supposed to pave the way for babes, have, themselves, become a source of ridicule to the GOSPEL.

The quest to be named among the world's richest; the quest to be named as the most influencial; the desire to have your church gathering mentioned as the largest in the world; the quest for power; and to mention, the works of the flesh- adultery, fornication etc. have blinded Christianity today.

The issues are 'ginormous', but let's focus on UNFORGIVENESS due to the recent event that made headlines in most tabloids and  newspapers the world over.

We mount the pulpit, and the title of our sermon is, 'Unforgiveness as a great sin.' And when eventually we fall at the receiving end, we forget about the message we preached a while ago.

Every sin starts as a thought in the mind. Because of its poisonous nature, it slowly takes over the consciousness until it is physically executed- the scales will suddenly fall off the eyes.

A woman who gives her husband the attention the bible prescribes will sense it when the mind of the husband conceives  the sin of adultery, likewise the man. Unfortunately, we are too 'busy'.

When eventually the damage occurs, what should be the response? Proverbs 31:11 says the husband can confide in a virtuous wife. Is this actually the case around us today?

Unfortunately, most women have conformed  themselves to Proverbs 14:1- they are bringing down their homes with their own hands. Most men on the other hand have continued to act, ignorant to Proverbs 27:12.

Jesus Christ said in Revelation 3:20, that he stands at the door and knocks. the devil, understanding this scripture, comes, and stands at the door and bangs. Painfully, we always open to the bangs.

The gimmicks of the devil have been exposed in Genesis 3:1-5; subtle, cinning and a liar. In spite of this, we have failed to understand his ways- the reason why most Christians still fall-out along the way.

To overcome this, we must make TWO things a part of our life-styles: Obedience and Forgiveness.

If we do all possible to obey God, and find it easy to forgive, we will put the devil to shame.

Remember, Jesus Christ asked us to forgive 70 × 7 = 490 times a day.

Ponder on this!

Akhimien Monday


The Church has been Invaded!

Lying here belly flat
On this depreciation-infested shattered mat,
My whole being connects with this cold floor
Creating an inner gushing of verbal repertoire;

From the old dogged Patriarchs
Who had not laws nor monarchs,
Yet their faiths, the  world astounds
How Yahweh they pleased without prejudice nor bounds;

From the gutsy Prophets
Whom, in their hands laid the entire laws in snippets,
Giving their all, to firmly stand
Daily waiting for leads from no man's hand;

From the great Kings
On whose fingers laid gold-plated rings,
With so great a responsibiliy
Of leading God's people out of ignominy;

From the great Apostles
Whose lives were patterned for us as examples,
As they daily fulfilled their purposes with no iota of guilt
Leaving to us a foundation, on which we should have built;

The Patriarchs we today smash in mud
Yet, their blessings we covet like an unfolding bud,
Forgetting in a flash, how great a price they paid
'Like exercising faith in wait,' for the aqua-raid;

The Prophets moved mountains
Never once disconnected from their fountains,
Many today, themselves parade
Deceiving many with stage-managed charade;

Kingships and thrones
Now crave for, with strains and groans,
Pot-bellied hombres by the corner wait
To sniff life out of their contenders, a bait;

The Apostles, under grace, broke great chains
Shepherds today, under grace, amass great gains,
With gumption the gospel was spread
But today, we mostly spread fear with dread;

David, far deep in the Spirit, lost
Danced before God knowing not its cost,
The synagogue today, has been invaded with a thrust
Breeding dance-steps which from hades burst;

Everyone's needs were dealt with in oneness
Ubiquitous in the fold now, is self-centredness,
From the pockets of brethren, brethren crave for gains
On the gospel raised they placards of shame;

The sheep-fold today, has been invaded
Lucifer's invasion has now escalated,
Minds, bodies and souls falling in pervasion
But the power to overcome lies in the GREAT COMMISSION!

By Akhimien Monday

Expect stable power supply by October – Minister

The Federal Government Friday promised that power supply will be stable in the country by October this year.

The Minister of Power, Prof. Chinedu Nebo, disclosed this to State House correspondents at the end of a meeting on power chaired by Vice President Namadi Sambo at the State House, Abuja.

Maintaining that other issues in the electricity value chain are being addressed in the country, he said that power supply has improved in the country in the past one week due to improved gas supply.

He also said the Federal Government is making arrangements to ensure that the bills of electricity generating companies are promptly paid.

He said:
    "The cheering news from all of
     these is that if you have noticed
     throughout the country in the
     past one week people have
     been getting better power

     "The gas is now beginning to
      come back and it’s something
      that gives all of us a lot of joy.
      And we know that it will
      continue to grow that way even
      until December because of
      some of the facilities,
      maintenance and repair works
      on the gas equipment and so

     "The gas producers have come
      to a place where almost all of
      these are being taken care of
      and then the new gas we are
      expecting, we have them
      trickling in right now."

     "So that’s part of the shortfalls
      we’ve had in production up to
      this time, we hope that by the
      beginning of October, we will
      see a much better stabilisation
      of the entire power delivery
      system in the country."

     "First, I would say we rejoice
      that for the first time in a long
      time we have been averaging
      over 4,500MW when we
      include nearly 300MW of
      spilling reserve which is put
      there to ensure the reliability
      and stability of the grid at all

     "So, we are really moving
      forward; it may not be as rapid
      as Nigerians expect, but it is
      important to let everybody
      know that indeed we are
      advancing, we are making
      progress and we will continue
      to make progress.”


Woman gives birth to quintuplets in Nnewi

The industrial town of Nnewi in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State recently played host to an uncommon occurrence but a pleasant surprise.

An expectant mother, Mrs. Chiamaka Ezeudenyi, had started experiencing her labour pains and was rushed to the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, to be delivered of her baby.

Though the 32-year-old Mrs. Ezeudenyi who hails from Nnobi in Idemili South Local Government Area of the state had lost her previous pregnancy, her wish was to have this survive. In the end, she came out of the labour room with an unanticipated but pleasant package. She was delivered of quintuplets. Sadly, one died leaving her with four (two males and two females).

16, 000 sacked doctors recalled

The Federal Government yesterday lifted the suspension of Residency Training Programme in all federal hospitals with effect from August 28, 2014, while the ongoing appraisal of the programme continues.

The Federal Government has also reinstated all resident doctors with effect from the same date of their sack.

In a statement from the Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, all chief medical directors and medical directors of the training centres are directed to issue letters of reinstatement to all the resident doctors to enable them reassume duties immediately.

     "The Federal Government urges
      the resident doctors to see the
      magnanimity of government in
      reinstating them as a goodwill
      gesture to engender greater
      commitment and dedication to
      their duties,” he said.


Friday 29 August 2014

Poem: God and Man

By the Word of His mouth He made the mountains;
Above the heavens where we find His seat,
The entire world before Him spreads like a curtain;
Even the creatures eyes cannot see, under the earth beneath,

One being with triple manifestation;
In kowtow, all men lift their heads high to Him,
Shouting halleluia in humble adoration;
Willingly, this must come without a grim,

Different faces, different races;
Yet on Him alone we all call,
In glee His power drops, leaving us with stunned gazes;
Our heads to the ground, we bow with uncommon awe,

Who is this God?;
He is the one who in battle is mighty,
The gates heard His footsteps, and on their own accord they opened with a flung;
To every creature, His acts are hearty,

The oceans and seas His name praise with tidal waves;
The trees and leaves praise Him with clappings and dancings,
the roaring thunder shows the depth of His power rave;
The birds of the air dance to the wind and praise Him with singing

Made of mud, ye were made gods
To decree and proclaim, while in glee it came to pass
But now ye in confusion of ignominy throd
Giving room for the devil's whims for souls to outgas

A citadel poised in the maker's image
Giving power to demons roast
But for sin, mammons, affluence and rage
He gave up this gift for a devil's toast

In the crown of science ye bask
yet your sole treks on the path of waywardness
As from the breast of pervasion your lips are unmask
sucking the milk of immorality-sheer ravenousness

Like the time of sodom
Amany heart is smeared and hardened saying, sound doctrine is all boredom
While they radiate in the sinful frenzy-fun ladened

Hey YE: Man
Please come to God in all adoration
Make sure all his anti commandments you ban or risk damnation

Pastor Oyakhilome’s wife finally files for divorce in London court, alleges adultery

The dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Christian Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase, TheCable can report.

The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and “adultery”.

She outlined several allegations against the pastor which TheCable cannot publish for legal reasons.

The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, a full-service law firm with expertise in commercial law and a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, personal injury law and medical negligence.

Efforts to reconcile the popular couple, whose church is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria and has branches all over world, have failed.

They have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn.

Oyakhilome is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc, the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the vice-president.

The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied allegations of adultery and believes his wife is being influenced by “bad friends” who are intent on destroying their home.

While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church, her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry.

Sources told TheCable that the pastor had been making efforts to avoid divorce in the hope that the wife would eventually have a change of mind.

However, TheCable can also report that the decree nissi was served on the charismatic pastor in his hotel room during a recent visit to the UK.

Decree nissi, in legal terms, is like a yellow card in a football match which is a precursor to a red card (“decree absolute”) if no new evidence is provided to stall proceedings.

Church insiders said Oyakhilome had been hoping for rapprochement, but he was left with no option than to receive the papers when the lawyers cornered him at his hotel in London.

The decree absolute, which will effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while terms of the divorce will be worked
out by the lawyers on both sides.

Source: TheCable

Electronic ID-Card scheme lunched by President Jonathan in Abuja

President Goodluck Jonathan on Thursday launched a national electronic identity card scheme, which backers said would boost access to financial and government services in Africa’s most populous nation.

The head of state was issued with his own card, which features a credit card style chip with personal as well as biometric data and doubles up as a prepaid charge and debit card.

Some Nigerian government agencies, from the police to the Independent National Electoral Commission, have embarked on their own separate ID card schemes.

Jonathan said the plan was to eventually include details such as drivers' licence, health insurance, tax and pension information on the single card.

     "The regime of duplication of
      biometric databases must now
      have to give way to
      harmonisation and unification
      with the e-ID scheme, which
      shall be the primary database,"
      he told reporters.

Only 32 percent of Nigeria’s adult population are thought to have bank accounts, according to a 2012 study. Nigeria’s central bank has been pushing for a move away from cash to electronic payments and has trialled a scheme in the financial capital, Lagos, with the help of private partners, but the pilot project has not been plain sailing, with retailers and customers often facing frequent power supply and connectivity problems that slowed down transactions.

The cards will be available initially to Nigerians aged 16 and older and all residents in the country for more than two years.

Cardholders will be given a unique national identification number, and have to provide fingerprint data, a photo and digital signature to cut the risk of fraud and embezzlement.

The scheme has so far cost about
seven billion naira ($ 42.5 million, 32 million euros), according to the National Identity Management

Financial services firm MasterCard, the scheme’s payment technology provider, said 13 million cards would be available in the first phase, with more than 100 million to be issued in total.

     "Nigeria is ready for this," the
      firm’s head of Sub-Saharan
      African operations, Daniel
      Mohin, told AFP.

     "Nigeria has been left out of
      electronic financial payment
      for decades but now Nigeria is
      saying we want to take our
      rightful place in payment."

     "There has not been a project of
      this magnitude that’s been
      rolled out at this scale."

Africa’s most populous nation has an unenviable reputation for fraud, particularly involving financial
transactions, but Monehin said, "the card was secured with the best form of security that is available."

Ebola: Port Harcourt records first death

Nigeria has confirmed its first Ebola death outside Lagos; a doctor in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, said the doctor had died on August 22nd, but the results of the tests have only just been made public.

The medical doctor had treated a staff of the ECOWAS office in Lagos, under surveillance, who escaped to Port Harcourt.

About 70 people are now under
surveillance in the city, while his wife, who has shown similar symptons, has been put under quarantine.

The Minister explained that the ECOWAS staff was a primary contact of the index case, the Late Patrick Sawyer, and that even though he does not presently have EVD, a further laboratory tests indicated that he had suffered the deadly disease.

He said the ECOWAS staff, actually evaded the surveillance team in the last week of July and travelled out to Port Harcourt.

He said it was at the oil-rich city that the man consulted a doctor and was apparently treated for some symptoms.

The Minister added that the ECOWAS staff returned to Lagos after four days. He said, a test that was conducted on him showed that he was negative and no symptoms of EVD was found in him. However, the minister said that he had developed antibodies which indicated that he had had the disease but had been healed.

Chukwu said, “This case would have
been of no further interest since he had completed the 21 days of surveillance without any other issue, but for the fact that the doctor who treated him died last Friday, 22nd August, 2014.

    “Following the report of this
     death by the doctor’s widow the
     next day, the case had been
     thoroughly investigated and
     laboratory analysis showed that
     this doctor died from EVD."

    “As a result, several contacts
     have now been traced,
     registered and placed under
     surveillance. However, because
     the widow is now symptomatic,
     she has been quarantined
     pending the outcome of
     laboratory tests on her.”

The minister added that the Incident Management Committee had already deployed a very strong team to Port Harcourt to work with the health authorities of Rivers State.

INFILTRATION (Mixed-multitude)

Maybe we should look at it from where it all began
His tentacles, like wild fire, has spread its span;

As a mushroom philantropist did he break in
His sugar-coated tongue wagging in his mouth in wait to fill in;

In those days a sorrowful heart would run to the church for solace
But today, it has become a place for breeding menace;

Back to the original plot and melancholic storyline
His acts have left shivers running down my spine;

They lead us in melodious tunes on Sundays
Encouraging us to holy hands lift with waves;

Every belle in the orchestra he kept at close mark
Watching their every move, searching for loopholes- maybe that was smart;

From one belle to another, he chewed them like gum
His wife wallowed in the tub waiting daily for him to home come;

Their bodies they gave in exchange for smartphones
Some gave theirs in exchange for T.V. decoders to be used at homes;

Dignity now a commodity you display in a window shop
We can walk in and out, it takes only money for a swap;

The bubble bursted
A can of worms had been opened up
A ripple effect in God's storehouse is about to errupt;

Open your mouths wide and spill those words out
Blessed in the hand holding the stone, but refuses to cast;

No man is free
But, upto Yahweh we look hoping for bottomless gracious spree.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Ebola virus sequences may aid hunt for treatments

Scientists tracking the spread of Ebola across West Africa on Thursday released 99 sequenced genomes of the hemorrhagic virus, in hopes of accelerating diagnosis and treatment.

In a sign of the urgency and danger at hand, five of the nearly 60 international co-authors who helped collect and analyze the viral samples have died of Ebola, said the report in the journal Science.

More than 1,552 people have been killed and 3,000 infected in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria according to the World Health Organization’s latest toll.

Never before has there been an Ebola outbreak so large, nor has the virus — which was first detected in 1976 — ever infected people in West Africa until now.

“We’ve uncovered more than 300 genetic clues about what sets this outbreak apart from previous outbreaks,” said Stephen Gire, a research scientist in the Sabeti lab at the Broad Institute and Harvard University.

“Although we don’t know whether these differences are related to the severity of the current outbreak, by sharing these data with the research community, we hope to speed up our understanding of this epidemic and support global efforts to contain it.”

- How the virus spreads -

Ebola spreads through close contact with the bodily fluids of infected people when they are showing symptoms, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea.

It can also be contagious after a person dies, and health officials have warned that touching corpses during funeral rites can be a key route of transmission.

Researchers took samples of the virus from 78 patients in Sierra Leone during the first few weeks of the outbreak there.

They released 99 sequences, because they sampled some of the patients twice to show how the virus could evolve in a single person.

Among those studied were two dozen people who attended the funeral of a traditional healer who had been treating Ebola patients in Guinea, became ill and died of the virus.

The mourners included a young pregnant woman from nearby Sierra Leone. Soon after, she was hospitalized with a fever and miscarried.

She survived, and became Sierra Leone’s first confirmed case of Ebola in the outbreak that swept West Africa.

Researchers said they believe the virus spread via an animal host, possibly a kind of fruit bat that has a natural range from central Africa — where Ebola has caused human outbreaks before — to Guinea in the continent’s far west.

The Sierra Leone outbreak has been linked to the emergence of two distinct viruses that probably came from Guinea, the journal Science said.

A report in the New England Journal of Medicine in April said the first known case of the West Africa outbreak was believed to be a young child who died December 6, 2013 in Guinea.

“According to the current state of the epidemiologic investigation, the
suspected first case of the outbreak was a two-year-old child who died in Meliandou, in Gueckedou prefecture,” said the NEJM study.

Some researchers believe the child may have come in contact with an infected fruit bat, though that theory has not been proven.

Culled from Vanguard

Poem: Hello Rose!

Your beauty is incomparable
Among equals you stand unbeatable;

The fairness of your skin is un-aided
With time, never will it go faded;

In your eyes lies dogged passion
Your love bask not in cancerous oblivion;

Your lips are as soft as the palms of a new-born
Your breath breeds strength to keep you above thorn;

Your stomach is always free of butterflies
Your strength far deep within, lies;

Your tongue spills out words, so strong
From them, we never can pick a wrong;

In your locks lie balls like that of a dove
When they spin within, their fallout is love;

Behind your lips are hidden a set of teeth
So well arranged and glittering like a flock of bathed sheep;

On your chest sit two breasts like twin roes
Which only point to the floor when you position like a bow;

Your hands always itch for touch
Never once has it been unjust;

The fragrance from your nose is like apples
My heart's core, with yours grapples;

The touch from your fingers flows with the Midas'
To place your name on the map like one of the divas;

Your hands I daily long for
With groanings I have waited heretofore;

By Akhimien Monday

Ebola: Jonathan condemns stigmatisation of Nigerians

President Goodluck  Jonathan has
condemned in strong terms,
the stigmatization of Nigerians by
some countries over recent cases
of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in
the country.

President Jonaathan said there
was no justification for such
stigmatization of Nigerians since
the disease had been effectively
contained in the country and
never attained epidemic level, he
called for the cessation of
discriminatory actions against
Nigerians over the virus and urged
the UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban
Ki Moon to support the call.

In an audience  with a Special
Envoy of the United Nations
Secretary-General, Mr. David
Navarro,  Jonathan particularly
denounced discriminatory actions such as that which forced Nigeria’s team to the Youth Olympics in China to abandon its participation.

Responding to the Secretary
General’s commendation of
Nigeria’s management of the threat of Ebola, the President  praised the Federal Ministry of Health, the Lagos State
Government and all Nigerians for
the success achieved so far in con­
taining the virus and avoiding a
national epidemic.

   “All hands have been on deck to
    contain the virus here. I
    commend my team and the
    Lagos State Government. We
    have been able to set politics
    aside and work in unison to deal
    with a national threat."

   “All other Nigerians have played a
    part too by complying with the
    directives and advice we have
    issued to stop the virus from
    spreading any further. The
    success we have had is a
    testimony to what we can
    achieve as people if we set aside
    our differences and work
    together,” he said.

   “We will continue to monitor the
    situation and we will also    
    support other affected African
    countries as much as we can
    because we cannot be
    completely safe from the virus
    as long as it continues to ravage
    some countries in our sub-
    region and continent. We will
    continue to work with the
    international community to curb
    the outbreak in other countries,”
    Jonathan pledged.

The envoy, in his response, said;

The Secretary-General asked me
to come here too, not because
you have an Ebola problem, but
because you have tackled it in an
exemplary fashion.

Your personal leadership on the
matter has been key. There may
still be some work to be done
before the virus is completely
cleared out from here, but other
countries can learn from your fine example,” he said.


Poem: Bábá Ijèbú

If you’ve ever heard of anyone by the alias, ‘ Bábá Ijèbú‘,
Playing into the hands of such persona makes u a big fool;

Every thought in his mind is cunning
They are mapped out to keep you drowning;

He is a fellow with dubious skills
Acquired through a set of subjective ills;

Everyone who comes his way is a potential prey,
Yet, a lot of people with this knowledge still stray;

He is a manipulator,
A hypnotic modulator;

Every word from his mouth needs objective verification,
Through many walls he had passed
Successfully bringing them down without castigation;

He comes to a belle as a loving hubby,
But his eyes and heart are set on her lolly;

Her heart he wins,
And then shelves her aside like a fish without fins;

Now she’s impoverised,
Her health suffers depletion like a
drowning mist;

His actions and in-actions, not easy to comprehend,
His modus operandi is to put you on a steap slope of perpetual spend and rend;

Hearts are being taken over,
They gather to make mundane predictions of numbers;

The young, the middle-aged and the old,
Throw away their lolly on numbers printed on tiny paper-folds;

Some have passed on
Due to hyper-reactions to the failures of their predictions;

Bábá Ijèbú, the opium of many,
Packaged as lottery;

An addiction that explanation defies,
Homes brought down by its bigotry;

A menace to our society
A quagmire that should not be handled with frivolity.

Poem: How Long?

Freedom has been banished
Future's have been sold
Power in leap now auctioned
All for vainless gold

Can a kolanut of worms
Pass a plea of peace?
Can the wind of coming drums
Sweep the lull ease?

How long would a clueless zeus
Make promises of plus?
Only for minus to be the later
Inscribed on his lies altar

How long would bombs leap;
And mortals blood weep
While the hat man snores
Under this cosmos gores?

How long would our dreams be lighted
And then wretch plighted
Into the oblivious future
To become ashes of torture?

How long would that dinner of corruption
Thrive under that aged umbrella of elaboration
While masses eat crumbs
That falls from their thumbs?

Albeit,hopes are martyred at the shrine of bigotry
Cum deceit wanders about like chicks at the poultry
We will one day in right laud
For this nation lies on the palm of God

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Poem: Counterpillars

Reading through GOD's compendium
My attention is drawn to its addendum
Which by men was created;

From the garden of Eden
Where walked the first beings with minds that were even
With the ONE who in Heaven gaited;

To the exceeding high mountains
Where John touched the hem of Heaven's curtains
Receiving revelations of the apocalypse that will be manifested;

I found that a great many have risen in time
And thereafter rose many, time after time
With their modus operandi highly exalted;

For themselves they wielded great power
To subdue great expanse and bring them to their conquer
Subjects around them, at their uproar, melted;

Pharaoh arose from his father's harem
To pull down the pillars GOD had built in Goshen
But in the belly of the Red sea landed he and his scouts;

Balak rose out of his misery to lure Balaam
That, by his words, Israel would come under his arm
Before his very eyes, blessings through his mouth sprout;

Eglon held GOD's pillars to ransom for eighteen years
Arrogating power to himself by breeding great fears
But in his belly buried a dagger without room for a shout;

Out of jealousy, the pillar of GOD was stalked by Saul
To accomplish his obssession with heinous norm
In the end, under a tree buried his bones like the carcass of a house rat;

Haman craved for piety in an undue manner
Forgetting that over the pillars, the Lord is a banner
But on his own gallows hanged his lifeless body, swinging to the voice of the wind;

Hitler claimed to be be the king of the world
Oblivious of the fact that his life could be seized just by the spoken Word
Yet, out of shame, by his own hands, his life came to an end;

Gaddafi, in his foolishness, made himself a demigod
Unknown to him, true kingship and rulership belong to the one true GOD
Who brought down his defence, leaving him piteous before a man like him.

Why stand stand you face-to-face with our GOD to boast
Knowing that any man who fights GOD will end up in roast!

By Akhimien Monday

Boko Haram: Killing of a Pastor in Bauchi sparks protest in Edo State

The killing of a Pastor with the Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship in Bauchi by Boko Haram has sparked a protest by Christians in Edo state.

The late Pastor, Blessing Ehiorobo, hails from Edo State. And was until the ugly incident, serving in Bauchi State.

In a statement, the president of the NCGF, Mrs. Uche Chiejina said,

    “the killing of Pastor Blessing
     was barbaric, vexatious and
     unacceptable to the Christian

The NCGF described the seeming attempt to Islamise some parts of the North by some Muslim fundamentalists as unacceptable- a situation, which has led to the murder of thousands of Christians and destruction of churches in that part of the country.

Ebola: Schools to resume October 13th

The federal government, through the ministry of education, has directed that all private and public schools currently on holiday should move their resumption to October 13th as a measure to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola Virus.

The federal government warned that private schools that fail to comply with this directive will be heavily sanctioned by the state's education ministry.

Meanwhile, the ministry of health has reported that the number of confirmed EVD cases in Nigeria has reduced to ONE- 5 deaths have so far been recorded, while most of those who had primary and secondary contact with the late Patrick Sawyer have been discharged from quarantine after completing their 22-day observation period.

In another development, the federal government has warned states that the N1.9 billion Ebola Intervention Fund is not a National Cake to be shared.

This warning came as states have started scrambling for shares of the fund.

Tuesday 26 August 2014


Looking through the archive of history
I am monomaniacally bewildered by great sights in gory,
From the footprints of our foremonarchs
Whose track records bear blood-letting trademarks;

Their subjects willingly served
Yet, the torture on them was deep and severe,
In exchange for bottled gin some of them were given
As objects of sacrifices some of theme were taken;

An era of trade
When trans-boarder sales was full of charade
A full-grown man was given in exchange for a mirror
They left our lands covered in violence and terror;

Nepotism thrived
Only the smart and cunny survived,
Our foremonarchs became best friends with white 'pigs'
Who for the game of wealth carted away black 'apes' for dirty gigs;

"Apes Obey," was the known slogan
Like chickens, our forefathers were packed in horrible hogan(s),
And like the LOST SON, with swines they fed
Self-esteems smashed with colossal dread;

'Set us free,' they cried
For independence they fought and died,
Yet a little while, they got it
Before their very eyes, it became their source of pain- they could not handle it;

Against one another they rose
Marginalization, on races took its toll,
The east against the west
The north and south against the rest;

The war and unrest became over
In the land was a new wave of coup d'閠at,
The quest for power- the modern day madness
They bask in the people's pain and sadness;

Where is that great hero?
Who, from NIGERIA, will take away this mammoth spree of sorrow?!

Poem: Back-Stabbers

Like a sniper's gun,
Their tongues wag in wait to run
Rapt attention paid they to your vocal spree
In order for them to add, to twist, and bruise your heel;

Like a sniper's gun,
Their tongues lash- your pain their fun
Your every move keep they in check
The purpose of which is to crack and break your neck;

Like a sniper's gun,
Their eyeballs rummage- with flashes of the scorching sun
Scanning through your pouch
In search for incriminating louche;

Like a sniper's gun,
Their eyeballs roll with the modus of a sitting nun
Temperatures begin to rise like a carousal
This, no doubt is the bedrock of their usual;

Like a sniper's gun,
Their eardrums itch and cook up bewildering stunt
Before them you are priceless jewel
Your praises sing they like clanging timbrel;

Like a sniper's gun,
Their eardrums stick out in readiness for a pun
To suffer in drowing pain is their pleasure
Your tears they crave without measure;

Who will watch our backs?
Back-stabbers now with us dwell in packs!

By: Akhimien Monday

Poem: Fàrìsì ì (Pharisee)

On Sunday mornings
They put on the best designer wears
To, in God’s house, showcase their ministry of tears affairs;

Before now,
Their places used to be the rear pews
But now,
They’ve sneaked in to be part of the dear few;

The affairs of the Synagogue
In their hands lie
The control of which,
Bears similarity to that of Gog and Magog;

They’re fault-finders
Commissioned by the lie-maker
To be the great defenders
Of the hypocritical mischief-makers;

In their mouths
Their tongues wag like a dog’s tail
A name on their sniper-list
Is drowning of their fairy tale;

Every of your utterance
To them, is offensive
Their actions and in-actions toward you
Is always on the defensive;

Your ways, to them, is always ludicrous
Unknown to them
They’ve pushed you
Into a state of luminos-ity;

They were before now, ‘backbiters’
In rank,
They’ve grown to become full-fledged ‘frontbiters’;

Call me a ninny,
But I say it the way I see with stunned nifty!

By: Akhimien Monday