Tuesday 26 August 2014


Looking through the archive of history
I am monomaniacally bewildered by great sights in gory,
From the footprints of our foremonarchs
Whose track records bear blood-letting trademarks;

Their subjects willingly served
Yet, the torture on them was deep and severe,
In exchange for bottled gin some of them were given
As objects of sacrifices some of theme were taken;

An era of trade
When trans-boarder sales was full of charade
A full-grown man was given in exchange for a mirror
They left our lands covered in violence and terror;

Nepotism thrived
Only the smart and cunny survived,
Our foremonarchs became best friends with white 'pigs'
Who for the game of wealth carted away black 'apes' for dirty gigs;

"Apes Obey," was the known slogan
Like chickens, our forefathers were packed in horrible hogan(s),
And like the LOST SON, with swines they fed
Self-esteems smashed with colossal dread;

'Set us free,' they cried
For independence they fought and died,
Yet a little while, they got it
Before their very eyes, it became their source of pain- they could not handle it;

Against one another they rose
Marginalization, on races took its toll,
The east against the west
The north and south against the rest;

The war and unrest became over
In the land was a new wave of coup d'閠at,
The quest for power- the modern day madness
They bask in the people's pain and sadness;

Where is that great hero?
Who, from NIGERIA, will take away this mammoth spree of sorrow?!

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