Saturday 30 August 2014

Poem: The Greatest Lead

Take me by the hand
Lead me through the land
My heart in humble adoration
Crave for your direction;

Take over the thoughts of my mind
Set it high above every blind
My heart in every genuineness
Seeks to overcome every of its weakness(es);

Take charge of  my stomach
Fill it with victuals on your track
My throat craves only for traffic
That will in me leave not manic;

Set guard on my loin
Keep it from cravings that from hades coin
My emotions, on fire, set I
Yet, I wait for that belle, who to me, will say aye!

Set on my eyes your pure veil
Keep it from sights, that in hades, souls nail
With yearnings so strong it fights to see
Contours and charms that break your creed;

Set on my tongues your strong tame
Order the vocals, which souls, can maim
In a glibly vitriolic vociferous vocal
It is poised to explode with lethal;

Lead me on the path that life breeds
Keep me from the ride that soul bleeds
Straighten me with the rod of correction
Till heavens gate I cross with great jubilation.

By Akhimien Monday

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