Friday 29 August 2014

Poem: God and Man

By the Word of His mouth He made the mountains;
Above the heavens where we find His seat,
The entire world before Him spreads like a curtain;
Even the creatures eyes cannot see, under the earth beneath,

One being with triple manifestation;
In kowtow, all men lift their heads high to Him,
Shouting halleluia in humble adoration;
Willingly, this must come without a grim,

Different faces, different races;
Yet on Him alone we all call,
In glee His power drops, leaving us with stunned gazes;
Our heads to the ground, we bow with uncommon awe,

Who is this God?;
He is the one who in battle is mighty,
The gates heard His footsteps, and on their own accord they opened with a flung;
To every creature, His acts are hearty,

The oceans and seas His name praise with tidal waves;
The trees and leaves praise Him with clappings and dancings,
the roaring thunder shows the depth of His power rave;
The birds of the air dance to the wind and praise Him with singing

Made of mud, ye were made gods
To decree and proclaim, while in glee it came to pass
But now ye in confusion of ignominy throd
Giving room for the devil's whims for souls to outgas

A citadel poised in the maker's image
Giving power to demons roast
But for sin, mammons, affluence and rage
He gave up this gift for a devil's toast

In the crown of science ye bask
yet your sole treks on the path of waywardness
As from the breast of pervasion your lips are unmask
sucking the milk of immorality-sheer ravenousness

Like the time of sodom
Amany heart is smeared and hardened saying, sound doctrine is all boredom
While they radiate in the sinful frenzy-fun ladened

Hey YE: Man
Please come to God in all adoration
Make sure all his anti commandments you ban or risk damnation

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