Thursday 28 August 2014

Poem: Bábá Ijèbú

If you’ve ever heard of anyone by the alias, ‘ Bábá Ijèbú‘,
Playing into the hands of such persona makes u a big fool;

Every thought in his mind is cunning
They are mapped out to keep you drowning;

He is a fellow with dubious skills
Acquired through a set of subjective ills;

Everyone who comes his way is a potential prey,
Yet, a lot of people with this knowledge still stray;

He is a manipulator,
A hypnotic modulator;

Every word from his mouth needs objective verification,
Through many walls he had passed
Successfully bringing them down without castigation;

He comes to a belle as a loving hubby,
But his eyes and heart are set on her lolly;

Her heart he wins,
And then shelves her aside like a fish without fins;

Now she’s impoverised,
Her health suffers depletion like a
drowning mist;

His actions and in-actions, not easy to comprehend,
His modus operandi is to put you on a steap slope of perpetual spend and rend;

Hearts are being taken over,
They gather to make mundane predictions of numbers;

The young, the middle-aged and the old,
Throw away their lolly on numbers printed on tiny paper-folds;

Some have passed on
Due to hyper-reactions to the failures of their predictions;

Bábá Ijèbú, the opium of many,
Packaged as lottery;

An addiction that explanation defies,
Homes brought down by its bigotry;

A menace to our society
A quagmire that should not be handled with frivolity.

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