Friday 29 August 2014

INFILTRATION (Mixed-multitude)

Maybe we should look at it from where it all began
His tentacles, like wild fire, has spread its span;

As a mushroom philantropist did he break in
His sugar-coated tongue wagging in his mouth in wait to fill in;

In those days a sorrowful heart would run to the church for solace
But today, it has become a place for breeding menace;

Back to the original plot and melancholic storyline
His acts have left shivers running down my spine;

They lead us in melodious tunes on Sundays
Encouraging us to holy hands lift with waves;

Every belle in the orchestra he kept at close mark
Watching their every move, searching for loopholes- maybe that was smart;

From one belle to another, he chewed them like gum
His wife wallowed in the tub waiting daily for him to home come;

Their bodies they gave in exchange for smartphones
Some gave theirs in exchange for T.V. decoders to be used at homes;

Dignity now a commodity you display in a window shop
We can walk in and out, it takes only money for a swap;

The bubble bursted
A can of worms had been opened up
A ripple effect in God's storehouse is about to errupt;

Open your mouths wide and spill those words out
Blessed in the hand holding the stone, but refuses to cast;

No man is free
But, upto Yahweh we look hoping for bottomless gracious spree.

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