Sunday 7 September 2014

Man hired armed robbers to steal from his uncle

Operatives of the Special Anti
Robbery Squad, Ikeja Police
command, Lagos have arrested a
25-year-old man, Emmanuel Ererie
who hired armed robbers to attack
and steal from his Uncle, Prince
Ororogu Peter Ererie, in Festac

He however ran out of luck, as the
uncle, sensing danger, alerted the
police at Festac who stormed the
house and arrested two of the
robbers while the others fled.

Emmanuel immediately relocated
to Delta State when he learnt that
the operation failed.

At the police station after his
arrest, Emmanuel blamed his
uncle for his woes. He insisted
that if his uncle had invested
heavily on him, he would have
turned out to be a better person.

“My Uncle is one the richest men
in Lagos. He is into importation of
furniture and has made a lot of
money. As his brother’s son, he is
expected to extend his wealth to
me but he only advised that I
should go and learn how to
become a mechanic. This is a dirty
job. I had no choice but to go
ahead since I am also allowed to
sleep in his house. He is so stingy.
He was only giving me monthly
allowance which is not enough for
me to buy a car or live a good

Not contented with his conditions,
Emmanuel resorted to unholy self
help. “I started by volunteering to
help the maid clean the house.
That was how I got access to my
uncle’s room key and moulded a
duplicate. Since I was not the only
one in the house, no one could
blame me. Early last year, I stole
several gold trinkets that I found
in my uncle’s room as well as
foreign currencies. This nearly
destroyed his marriage because
my uncle accused his wife of theft.“
It was fun watching them fight.
Days later when he travelled with
his wife, I entered the room, took
the car key of one of his latest cars
and drove off. I just wanted to use
it and cruise around town.

Unfortunately, I had an accident
and the car was destroyed beyond
repair. The little money I got from
the gold that I sold was used to
repair the other vehicles involved
in the accident.

“When my uncle heard of the acci­
dent, he asked the police to arrest
me. I was arrested and sent to
prison because of the car. They
accused me of car theft. I pleaded
for mercy but my uncle refused.
He can buy 10 exotic cars and still
remain rich,”Emmanuel said.

When in Kirikiri Medium Prison,
Emmanuel shared his experience
with other inmates. They advised
him to get back at his uncle when
he regains his freedom. “I made
friends in prison and most of them
are robbery suspects. They taught
me how to go about it. They also
linked me up with Innocent Ibeh
who left prison few weeks after I
was jailed. After I regained my
freedom in May 2014, I decided to
teach my brother a lesson.”

Emmanuel travelled down to Delta
state, where Innocent Ibeh was
based and perfected the robbery

“Innocent summoned the others,
while I made arrangement for
arms. I took them to the house,
pressed the bell while they were
ushered in by the security man. I
had to disappear so that I will not
be linked to the robbery. Later in
the night, when I waited and none
of them called me, I became
suspicious. I called someone in
the street and he told me that
armed robbers visited but the
police were able to stop them. As
soon as I realized that they had
been caught I ran to Delta.

Unfortunately they found me. I
am terribly sorry but my uncle
should realize that my blood is on
his head. If he had trained me
well like his children, I would be a
better person. I just wanted them
to steal his latest Mercedes
4matics, MM500 and few
currencies that are always in a
carton. He can never be poor, no
matter the number of robbers that
try to steal from him,” he said
looking downcast.

Sunday Sun learnt that as soon as
the matter was transferred to
SARS, the former Commissioner of
Police, Umaru Manko instructed
the Officer in Charge of SARS,
Abba Kyari to deploy his men to
fish Emmanuel out. He was
nabbed after five days of intensive

Also arrested were all the
members of the gang who
participated. They are Victor
Ezenwa, Joseph Ovonogbarho and
Innocent Ibeh.


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