Wednesday 3 September 2014

Poem: The Son of Man

The first time I kissed your lips
Shivers ran down my spine like rows of whips,
The aroma that came from your breath
No doubt was way out of this Earth;

Kick-started in me was a journey of Sanctification
On my knees I was, and you brought me Salvation,
The Baptist, even in the womb, your presence felt
By the bank of the Jordan your weaknesses melt;

In Heaven, on Earth, all powers you wield
To demon outcast and surround us with a shield,
On those who believe, your power bestow
Our faces now lit up with colossal glow;

With you every night, a date I keep
My heart, for you longs even when deep asleep,
Wth the rising sun, my eyes and heart aglow
Filled with strength, which from you comes alone;

Many a man, your word has heard
Yet the path of destruction tread because their hearts are smeared,
Our savour as salt of the earth have we lost
On whose shoulder would we rest to bear this colossal cost?

By Akhimien Monday

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